1·The "coca" in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink's originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup.
2·At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.
3·In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf.
4·It found that Peru may have overtaken Colombia as the world's biggest grower of coca leaf. See article.
5·In Germany, the red Bull spokesman insisted that his company's product, along with others containing the coca leaf extract are considered safe in Europe and the U.S..
6·Cocaine is not the same as the coca leaf it is derived from; for centuries, natives in South American countries regularly chewed on the coca leaf for its anesthetic and mild stimulant properties.